Reasons You should Hug Your Partner More

Sometimes you just want somebody to hold you
tight. Nothing says I care quite like a hug. Why
do we enjoy hugs so much? When we hug or
touch in any way such as kissing or handholding,
it releases a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin
is a hormone from the pituitary gland that plays
a crucial role in intimacy and sexual
reproduction. It also contributes to trust,
bonding, and connecting with other people.
Hugging has also been proven to fight loneliness.
"Oxytocin is a neuropeptide, which basically
promotes feelings of devotion, trust and
bonding," said psychologist Matt Hertenstein
from DePauw University. "It really lays the
biological foundation and structure for
connecting to other people."
Touch and hugs also have the ability to help
people who suffer from low self-esteem.
Embracing inanimate objects such as stuffed
animals or pillows can help to alleviate fear.
“Even fleeting and seemingly trivial instances of
interpersonal touch may help people to deal more
effectively with existential concern," according to
Sander Koole, who published a study in the
Association for Psychological Science.
"Interpersonal touch is such a powerful
mechanism that even objects that simulate touch
by another person may help to instill in people a
sense of existential significance."
Oxytocin also helps to decrease the risk of heart
disease. It also helps to reduce the amount of
the stress hormone cortisol that is in our bodies.
"Having this friendly touch, just somebody simply
touching our arm and holding it, buffers the
physiological consequences of this stressful
response," Hertenstein said.
Hugs are such frequent and automatic gestures
that their value may be overlooked. But it turns
out the common hug is not so common after all.
More than a simple embrace or squeeze on the
shoulder, hugs have many physical and emotional
benefits, especially when enjoyed by two

1. A hug conveys caring. After a hard day,
hugging your partner says, “I’m here for you.
We’re in this together.”

2. Hugs elevate our mood. When we embrace
someone, oxytocin (also known as “the cuddle
hormone”) is released, making us feel warm and

3. You and your partner can beat the average.
The typical length of a hug is about ten seconds
(shorter for those who don’t know each other
well). Surely you and your love will want to
double that duration!

4. Hugs promote heart health. A large-scale
study found that while hugging, people’s heart
rate lowered significantly compared to those
who didn’t hug.

5. They provide reassurance. A hug lets your
partner know everything is okay between you.

6. Hugs can be given anywhere. In public or in
private, at the mall or at the park, hugs can be
exchanged wherever you are.

7. Hugging boosts the recipient’s self-esteem.
This gesture assures your partner that he/she is
more than worthy of your affection.

8. Hugs are a natural stress reliever. If you or
your love are feeling stressed, give each a tight
squeeze. Doing so reduces the amount of the
stress hormone cortisol produced in the body.

9. As public displays of affection go, hugs are
acceptable and admirable. Some onlookers get
uncomfortable seeing a couple making out in
public or being overly friendly in other ways. But
hugs? No problem.

10. Hugs help your partner survive and even
thrive. Renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir
said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We
need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need
twelve hugs a day for growth.” Therefore, don’t
hold back.

11. You can go for the world record. According
to The Guinness Book of World Records, on
February 14, 2010, Jeff Ondash gave out 7,777
hugs. He is also the world record holder for the
most hugs given in an hour at 1,205. Top that!

12. You and your partner can join other huggers
across the country. After all, each January 21 is
National Hug Day.

13. Hugging enhances communication. As
nonverbal communication goes, hugging is one of
the best. It can foster good verbal
communication as well.

14. The benefits are mutual. The giver of a hug
gets as much benefit as the receiver. Since
everybody wins, hug away.

15. A hug is a graceful step in the dance of
romance. If your relationship isn’t ready for more
intimate forms of affection, a hug usually
communicates just the right amount of fondness

So, who wanna Hug me😉

Posted by tboixy
Reasons You should Hug Your Partner More Reasons You should Hug Your Partner More Reviewed by Tboixy on December 29, 2015 Rating: 5

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