Celeb : Wiz Khalifa is the Only Man I ever loved --Amber Rose

Wiz is One lucky Man

 Amber Rose has set the record straight regarding her love life, admitting Wiz Khalifa is the only man she's ever loved..

On Thursday,she spoke out  on Guys We F**ked, with hosts Krystyna Hutchinson and Corinne Fisher.When asked about who she loved of all the men she has dated,she said 

'Real love? Was with my husband (Wiz).My soon-to-be ex-husband. Absolutely, for sure. When you really find love you just know. So you look back at your past relationships and go, "Eh, I didn't love those fools."He was the love of my life, he was the only man I've ever loved,' she added.

Host Krystyna than asked: 'Was the sex insane?, to which Rose responded: 'Well, we made a baby.'

If you ask me, she Means It's good

Posted by tboixy
Celeb : Wiz Khalifa is the Only Man I ever loved --Amber Rose Celeb : Wiz Khalifa is the Only Man I ever loved --Amber Rose Reviewed by Tboixy on January 31, 2016 Rating: 5

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