World news : ISIS urges UK jihadis to cut beards, shun mosques and wear crosses to blend in

Ban Islam full stop . Its got nothing in common with our Christian values . They interviewed a guy in Germany who has lived and worked hard there for many years and loves the people and country . Since the influx and attacks , He said because of the colour of his skin , People tend to walk around him or the other way in some areas . People are afraid and will class anyone who stands out so to say a potential threat . . So unless these Terrorists are white and speak the local lingo , They will be spotted a mile a way .
They could try to blend in by getting a job! - Though that would probably too extreme for these animals.
They forgot to tell them to wear bowler hats too. And carry an umbrella. You know, to blend in like.
Shaving off the beard won't help them, you only have to stand near one for the odour of ordure to permeate your senses.
Time to start profiling. If we can be inconvenienced with terror searches etc. when travelling (remember when that didn.t exist? ) or having to stay indoors because girls .. then they can be inconvenienced by being searched due to name/skin and passport. Possibly even shifty eyes.
As a woman I am now being seriously inconvenienced because of all this crap. It.s their turn. And time the human rights law is broadened to include non muslims.
Red TickAlert
No worries ISIS. Because on the flip side, we are all growing beards, buying a tee towel and painting our black flags with scribbles and going to Allah Snackbar - so anytime, anyplace - maybe like men for once hey ??, no thought not.
This is why we need stric border controls and secure, guarded facilities for all asylum seekers while they are thoughly checked and processed.
Better still, don't let the excrement in in the first place.
The Inconvenient Truth
'checked and processed' LOL, I assume you are joking here. We're showering them with passports like confetti at a wedding. They're coached on what to say to get asylum, and there's and army of well paid ( by us ) Human Rights lawyers ready to take it to the courts to make sure they stay here. Excuse my cynicism but we are way beyond this. Stop ALL from coming here. Immediately deport anyone illegal or with no valid claim. These are the actions our government should take to defend us.
If you should ever meet someone who sort of looks not just right make eye contact. Trust me the eyes never lie, I know this from experience with some real dangerous people. Check out the eyes and they will tell you the truth. Try it out with your friends, get one of them to tell you a downright lie whilst making close eye contact.
I'll take your advice on this one Jocko. Thanks.
Red TickAlert
Apparently if you place the pork chops in the halal meat section the supermarket have to throw away all the halal meat
Just saying....
What a shame. Wonder how often it happens (will happen) ?
Their instructions are meant to frighten westerners, but all they do is make us laugh and poke fun at them all the more. But it does confirm, yet again, that the more our governments appease them and are friendly, the more they think we are stupid and take advantage. Bring back the rope...
Or for starters why not ELECT  a MUSLIM MAYOR for London, and no doubt they will ??.
Please can we not!
Unfortunately robert that's exactly what CaMoron and co would like to do. He's the bloke who "looks forward " to seeing his muslim successor", telling them that there are too many white faces in Britain. Perhaps his dislike of native Britons is because those of us who are natives of these islands, do have white faces.
twisted star
So if you see a Muslim wearing a cross..short beard, pair tracksuit bottoms with a hoodie  top..and walking a pitball terrior. ..Beware...could be a terrorist. ..Act fast!!!
The only guys I know who wear crosses are pop singers and priests.
They can wear what they like, it won't make any difference to the vigilant.
What ends will MUSLIMS go to? This is denying everything they believe in, to strike people of other faiths, or just to kill and maim the different peoples of the world. As a CHRISTIAN I would be denying God, and my CHRISTIAN faith if I changed my appearance, left my church and started wearing a symbol which was anathema to my beliefs. This proves yo me that it is an ideology and not a faith.
These are the words of their God, as stated in the Koran.
Koran 8.12
I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
Islam is not a religion, it is a methodology for global domination
This is where it's at.
So's urban warfare. Its soldiers' military uniform is ordinary civilian dress as you and I wear. And our government is allowing the 5th column to spread under our feet. Very saddening to have to say it'll take a Paris-like attack - another 7/7 - to wake people up. And when it does, let's hope all Britons take stock of what's going on and do something about it.
We need MASS INTERNMENT of all Muslims as they are indeed ENEMY ALIENS
prof andrew michael
And I suppose that devout Muslim women would dress as western woman, wearing makeup, knee length skirts, high heels and of course, these women would have to wash and smell like western women. The problem is that most of these Muslim women are so so ugly, whatever they wear, they will still look and smell like Muslims.
UKIPPERS are basic and froth at the mouth
Then they will just look like ukip supporters. Froth froth froth
Why are stupid comments like this allowed?
Sammy Scott
go back to bed you moron
yes, judging from his photo he does look a little.....unhinged dosn't he.!
women will be abused and r a p e d and infected with H.I.V,and the men will be slaughtered..................................fact,you fools really need to get it together and FIGHT this plague of filth................otherwise??????????
That would be weird for them to wear crosses, the religious belief they have does not exist, seeing that many people do not wear crosses these days it would be very odd to see a sudden increase in this. The beard part I agree with in general as I have noticed massive beards are on the increase with a lot of young men and it looks awful as they are not neat and tidy and I would think contain a lot of germs.
Not to forget lice.
Sure I saw that book in the newsagents next to "fly fishing"by JRR.Hartley...
Gold price increased
But that Welby bloke has told us how to deal with them: if we show them love and hospitality they will immediately cease their activities and we can thereafter be jolly good chums. Yes, Mr Welby?
Good stuff but their breath will still smell of Camel, and their ***k of pig.
This just goes to show how devious and cunning these Muslim and Islamic filth are. And to think that our idiotic leaders have let them in by the tens of thousands is scary. I just hope I'm not in the wrong place at the wrong time. BOOOM!.
Is this a good time to mention the The Illiad? With particular referance to the Trojan Horse!
They don't have to do that to fool people in the west, people already think that none of this is real anyway.
very true,the dumb docile sheep are in for one hell of a shock im afraid...................
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ISIS has issued a guide book for lone wolf attacks on the UK
The booklet, called Safety and Security Guidelines for Lone Wolf Mujahideen, offers a chilling insight into the levels of preparation expected of those wishing to cause carnage in Europe.
The 58-page terror manual, which has burning western-style buildings on the front cover, gushes about the importance of surprise when launching an attack to cause maximum impact.
It urges home-grown terrorists to carry out attacks as they are less likely to be noticed.
It also explains how nightclubs, full of loud music and drunk people, are the perfect place to discuss terror plans without being recorded or snooped on.
The main thrust of the instruction booklet is the necessity to blend in with the western way of life and to avoid ‘looking like a Muslim’ so as to stay below the radar of the security services.
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It has even been translated into English for those in the West who don’t speak Arabic.
The introduction says: “No doubt that today, at the era of the lone wolves,
brothers in the West need to know some important things about safety in order to ensure success in their operations.
“We thought a lot of non-Arabic speaking brothers would find it interesting and may apply it in their blessed operations.”
Readers are urged to wear a Christian cross, splash on the aftershave, cut off beards and even shun prayer meetings and mosques to avoid detection.
There is even advice about what jewellery to wear and on which hand to wear a watch.

Potential terrorists are told: “If you can avoid having a beard, wearing qamis, using miswak and having a booklet of dhikr with you, it’s better.

“It is permissible for you to wear a necklace showing a Christian cross.

“As you know, Christians - or even atheist Westerners with Christian background - wear crosses on their necklaces.

“But don’t wear a cross necklace if you have a Muslim name on your passport, as that may look strange.

Posted by tboixy
World news : ISIS urges UK jihadis to cut beards, shun mosques and wear crosses to blend in  World news : ISIS urges UK jihadis to cut beards, shun mosques and wear crosses to blend in Reviewed by Tboixy on January 13, 2016 Rating: 5

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