Discoveries : Ladies Get In Here, 15 Facts You Never Knew About "The Origin Of Make Up"... Continue Reading

As generations pass by, cosmetics are widely becoming more and more popular. As hard as it may be to believe, a lot of females today start wearing makeup in their pre-teens.
I remember when I was in middle school and high school, I barely knew how to use mascara and eyeliner. Girls in that particular age group nowadays know not only how to use mascara and eyeliner but also how to contour their face and blend eye shadows.
Because cosmetics are so widely used today, people forget how makeup was used in the past.

Here's a few interesting facts on cosmetics that you probably didn't know beforehand.

#1. As cosmetics have been growing more and more popular amongst women, females have started using them at younger ages. 60% of 12-year-old girls use makeup.

#2. Elizabeth Taylor was the only woman on her set that was allowed to wear red lipstick. All other women who wore red lipstick on set were allegedly banned.

#3. Ever wondered what ingredient geishas used in their facials to make it so white? The special ingredient is nightingale poop. Apparently, it helps fight wrinkles.

#4. The origins of the word "cosmetics" comes from the Greeks. However, they weren't the first ones to use it, the Egyptians were.

#5. Another method women kept their skin looking pale in the past was using LEECHES. Leeches would feed on the women's blood to keep their skin looking pale.

#6. Back in the day, Estee Lauder created her original customer base by "accidentally" dropping a bottle of her perfume onto the floor of a department store.
The women surrounding the "accident" loved what they smelled and demanded they knew what it was.

#7. Most people assume makeup companies were founded by women but not big time company MAC.
In 1985, MAC was founded by two men named Frank.

#8. It was normal for women to be hairless in 1400. It was a popular look.
Women would shave their heads and pluck their eyebrows and eyelashes out.

#9. Women in the past attempted to rid of their freckles using ridiculous ingredients such as fresh urine or crocodile fat.
Thank goodness freckles today are embraced and perceived as a unique and beautiful physical trait.

#10. Cosmetic surgery happens all around the world.
But did you know that South Korea has the highest rate for cosmetic surgery in the world?

#11. Coco Chanel changed everyone's perspectives of a suntan in the 20's.
She popularized the look of a suntan. Before she came along, a tan was only associated with being a low-class field worker.

#12. As a way to make pupils appear larger and sexier, Roman women used belladonna drops.
Unfortunately, the drops were poisonous so it didn't last that long.

#13. Armpit hair wasn't considered unfeminine until 1915.
It was after the Wilkenson Sword Razor company showed a woman on the cover of Harper's Bazaar magazine with hairless armpits.

#14. A lot of women in the Elizabethan-era went blind from using coal tar as mascara and/or eyeliner.
Women were desperate for those sultry looking eyes.

#15. It's almost too hard to believe but in Morrisville, Pennsylvania, a woman can't wear makeup without a permit.

However, don't sorry, nobody really upholds this particular law. It's just never been repealed.

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Discoveries : Ladies Get In Here, 15 Facts You Never Knew About "The Origin Of Make Up"... Continue Reading Discoveries : Ladies Get In Here, 15 Facts You Never Knew About "The Origin Of Make Up"... Continue Reading Reviewed by Tboixy on September 07, 2016 Rating: 5

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