Contrary to popular belief maintaining a balanced diet is not as hard or stressful as it seems its rather uncomplicated. A balanced diet contains all the proper proportions of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and water in other to maintain a good health. The organs in our body require all the dietary needs adequate for maintaining a healthy life therefore eating a balanced diet means choosing the right amount of food and drink that would keep your body active, this also means eating certain food items in moderation an example of that would be saturated fat.
When it comes to healthy eating, maintaining balance and proportions is all you’ll require, therefore how can you maintain the perfect proportions to be able to have a balanced diet?
1. Have some Milk and diary food in your eat-well plate (timetable).
2. Small amount of food and drinks that are high in cholesterol, sugar and fat.
3. Plenty of starchy food like rice, potatoes, pasta, bread etc.
4. Plenty of fruits and vegetables .
5. Some meat, eggs, fish and other non-sources of protein.
Maintain a variety of different food from four of the main food group, note that fat is important but not in excess.
How and Why You Should Have Some Food More Than The Others?
1. The requisite origin for vitamins and minerals are fruits and vegetables. The guide for having a good amount of vitamins and minerals is eating at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables in a day which in turn would decrease the risk of having stroke and heart diseases.
2. Most of Our meals should be based on starchy food, at least one third of everything we eat should contain starch. Some starchy food contains fiber which is also an important part of a healthy diet.
3. Protein is fundamental for body growth and repair, many sources of protein also contain good and rich vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, zinc, iron etc. Focus on two portions of fish in a week it could be frozen or canned. Fish is good because it contains omega 3 fatty acids which is an essential vitamin.
4. Milk and other diary food are good . of protein, they are also rich in calcium which keeps your bones strong and healthy. use 1% fat of skimmed milk as well as lower fat to enjoy the health benefits of diary products.
5. Unsaturated fat can lower cholesterol and provide with the essential fatty acids needed to stay healthy. Fats and sugar are sources of energy but this should not be abused as they can be detrimental to ones health.
Tip: Stay away from excess sugar and fatty food.
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