World News : Indonesia Passes New Law Which Finds Any "Sex offender" Would Be Castrated or Executed...Continue Reading 👇

Paedophiles can be chemically castrated or executed under tough new laws passed by the Indonesian parliament.

Repeat offenders and those who abuse family members face 10 to 20 years jail and courts can also order their chemical castration and tagging with a microchip.

Those who murder their victims or leave them with permanent physical or psychological trauma, or give them a sexually transmitted disease, can be executed.

The harsher penalties were prompted by the shocking rape and murder of 14-year-old girl Yuyun (pictured above) in Sumatra by a gang of 12 men and boys in May.

Her battered body was found three days later in woods, tied up and naked. Seven teenagers, aged 16 and 17, were jailed soon after for their part in the incident.

Indonesia is a hotspot for Western paedophiles, with more than 100 sex criminals caught travelling to the country since 2014 from Australia alone.

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World News : Indonesia Passes New Law Which Finds Any "Sex offender" Would Be Castrated or Executed...Continue Reading 👇 World News : Indonesia Passes New Law Which Finds Any "Sex offender" Would Be Castrated or Executed...Continue Reading 👇 

 Reviewed by Tboixy on October 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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