We spent much of 2015 waiting for Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez’s divorce announcement. It finally came in October 2015, and there were a few weeks of drama, with accusations being lobbed back and forth , much of what we’ve come to expect from Halle in particular.
But then something strange happened: Halle and Olivier started to put aside their bitterness and drama. They went on vacation together . They figured out a way to co-parent their son amicably.
There was little to no gossip about them throughout 2016. I actually wondered if they were getting back together. But no. They were just quietly working out their divorce, apparently.
Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez are officially single … and he agreed to let her say, “I left you!” Halle and Olivier filed for divorce at almost the exact same moment back in October 2015 … she filed as the petitioner and he also filed as the petitioner seeking a divorce. Under California law only one person can be the petitioner, and Olivier agreed to give Halle the honor.
Under the settlement, they will share physical and legal custody of 3-year-old Maceo.
For some reason, they decided to only deal with the custody issues and the property settlement is still unresolved. It’s weird, because our sources say there’s a prenup so there shouldn’t be big issues. Halle and Olivier married in 2013.
[From TMZ]
I always suspected that Olivier was hellbent on marrying Halle because he saw firsthand the hell she put Gabriel Aubry through over custody of Nahla.
One of Halle’s arguments against Gabriel was that since they weren’t married, he had little to no custodial rights for Nahla. Olivier was in a different situation because he and Halle married, and I imagine Halle would have found it harder to go through another bitter custody battle so soon after the thing with Gabriel. So…. I’m cautiously optimistic about this. Granted, it could still blow up into some huge divorce/custody battle, but it sounds like they handled their business quietly and calmly.

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