WHAT!!! : Two Robbers Arrested while Trying To Stuff N1.548m robbery loot inside their Private Parts in Lagos ...Continue Reading 👇
Officers of Rapid Response Squad (RRS) have arrested two Area boys for stealing N1.548 million in Oshodi area of Lagos State. The robbery suspects, Goke Wale and Ganiy Idowu were nabbed while stuffing the naira notes inside their private parts, after strippingtheir jean trousers down.
According to the officers, the robbery loot was abandoned by another gang of robbers, but Goke and Ganiy ran into it and started another round of looting.
The officers warned the general public to “be more carefulin how they handle their bank transaction information. Don't over - expose yourself.”
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WHAT!!! : Two Robbers Arrested while Trying To Stuff N1.548m robbery loot inside their Private Parts in Lagos ...Continue Reading 👇
Reviewed by Tboixy
December 02, 2016

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