Health News : MEN!!!, New Research Shows Men Are Likely To Die Of Cancer Than Women...Continue Reading

Men are more likely to develop cancer then women, accordingto the latest figures. Each year 179,000 men receive a cancer diagnosis,compared with 173,000 women, says Cancer Research UK. Yet the fact remains thatif a woman found a lump she would most likely seek urgent medical advice, whileif the same happens to a man, all too often he will ignore it. 

Men don’t seem to like going to the doctor — even when itcomes to something as potentially serious as cancer. A study of over 2,300people with 15 different cancers found that men were most likely to delay goingto the doctor. 

According to the results, published in the British Journal of Cancer, 44 percent of men with prostate cancer delayed visiting their GP about their symptomsfor three months or more, while only 8 per cent of women with breast cancersymptoms put off getting help.

Men are 15 per cent more likely to develop cancer but are 36per cent more likely to die from it than women, according to figures fromCancer Research UK.

‘There are various reasons for this: men are not as aware of the symptoms ofcancer as women, such as swelling, unexplained weight loss or bleeding.

‘Men also tend to delay going to get their symptoms checkedout, they are perhaps more worried about the diagnosis than women and are lessfamiliar with the healthcare system.

‘When I was a GP, men tended to apologise for coming, theywould often say they had been pushed into attending by their wife or partner.’

And when men are diagnosed it hits them harder. Figures fromMacmillan cancer care show that 50 per cent of newly diagnosed cancer patientshave levels of anxiety or depression that adversely affect their quality oflife. 

Source: Daily

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Health News : MEN!!!, New Research Shows Men Are Likely To Die Of Cancer Than Women...Continue Reading Health News : MEN!!!, New Research Shows Men Are Likely To Die Of Cancer Than Women...Continue Reading Reviewed by Tboixy on September 02, 2016 Rating: 5

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